Customize brand email templates instructions
Instructions on customizing brand email templates in our portal
- Customize the email header
- Customize the email footer
- Customize the expired email ​notification
- Customize the 7 day expiration email
- Customize the 30-day expiration and WDRP email
- Customize the whois data accuracy reminder (WDRP) email
- Customize the change of registrant notification (old) email
- Customize the change of registrant notification (new) email
- Customize the outgoing transfer privacy protect contact reminder email
- Customize the contact validation email template
- Customize the brand confirmation email
- Customize the update contact approval (current) email
- Customize the update contact approval (new) email
- Customize the update domain approval (current) email
- Customize the update domain approval (new) email
- Customize the incoming transfer approval (current) email
- Customize the incoming transfer approval (new) email
- Customize the outgoing transfer approval email
- Customize the internal transfer approval (current) email
- Customize Internal transfer ap​proval (new) email