Domain dashboard

Login to the portal and go to Domains > Dashboard

The domain dashboard provides a quick overview of all domain related actions and pending processes in your Realtime Register account.

From the domain dashboard, multiple overviews and domain information is accessible with a quick glance. Information on the various tiles that are available on the domain dashboard can be found below as well as a table overview with links that provide instructions on the specific domain actions that can be performed in our portal.

Check availability tile
Domain count tile
New domains tile
Domains about to expire tile
Requested creates tile
Requested transfers tile
Requested updates tile
Pending renewals tile
Pending deletions tile
Registration profiles tile
ADAC domain suggestions tile
Suggestions for more tiles on our Domains Dashboard? Contact us!
Domain actions & instructions

Check availability

Click the Check availability tile to open our ADAC domain checker

Once opened, you'll be directed to our ADAC (Advanced Domain Availability Checker) domain check.

For a detailed description on checking domains using the various options we offer, go to the Check knowledge base article

Domain count

The domain count tile provides a quick insight on the number of domains that are active in your account.

Click the on the domain count tile to open the domain list consisting of all the domains that are currently active in your account.

You can use the filters to search for specific domains you're looking for

For advanced search options to lookup domains, you can use the portal search option as well, for more information go to the Search knowledge base article. For detailed instruction on searching for domains in the list using the filter option, go to the Domains knowledge base article

New domains

The new domains tile provides an overview of domains that have been created or transferred into your Realtime Register account in the past 30 days.

Domains that are about to expire

The domains that are about to expire tile provides an overview of the domains that are to expire in your account in the next 30 days.

Requested creates

The requested creates tile provides an overview of domain creates in your Realtime Register account that have not been completed yet.

Requested transfers

The requested transfers tile provides an overview of pending incoming domain transfers in your Realtime Register account.

Requested updates

The requested updates tile provides an overview of pending domain updates in your Realtime Register account.

Pending renewals

The pending renewals tile provides an overview of pending domain renewals in your Realtime Register account.

Pending deletions

The Pending deletions tile provides an overview of pending domain deletions in your Realtime Register account.

The Registration profiles

The registration profiles tile opens the overview of all registration profiles that are active in your Realtime Regsiter account. A registration profile can be created to speed up the domain create/transfer process in our portal. Once created, in the domain create/transfer process the registration profile can be selected to pre-fill the domain create/transfer form with information such as Contacts & Nameserver settings with the information that is stored in the registration profile.

ADAC domain Sugesstions

The ADAC domain Sugesstions tile opens the ADAC domain checker management panel

Domain actions & instructions

Below you'll find a table with various domain actions & instructions that link to KB-articles that explain in detail how to request domain information, creates, updates and setting up our ADAC domain checker using our portal.

Create/Transfer domain(s) Instructions on Creating/transferring Domains in our portal
Set auto renew status
Instructions on updating the auto renew status for one/multiple domains(s) in our portal
Update domain(s)
Instructions on updating domain(s) in our portal
Check, cancel or resend pending domain updates
Instructions on checking, cancelling or re-sending domain updates in our portal
Renew domain(s) Instructions on renewing domains in our portal
Delete domain(s)
Instructions on deleting domains in our portal
Domain history overview
Instructions on the domain history overview in our portal
Domain status information
Explanation of the various domain statuses that can be active in our portal/through API
Create registration profiles for domain creates/transfers
Instructions on creating registration profiles for domain creates/transfers in our portal
Configure ADAC Domain suggestions
Instructions on how to setup ADAC in our portal
Check pending creates
Instructions on how to check pending domain creates in our portal
Check pending transfers
Instructions on how to check pending domain transfers in our portal
Check pending renewals
Instructions on how to check pending domain renewals in our portal
Check pending deletes
Instructions on how to check pending domain deletes in our portal

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