TLD metadata Overview of the most important TLD-metadata for the .UK ccTLD
Create Instructions on the registration procedure for .UK through our portal
Transfer in
Instructions on requesting transfers for .UK to Realtime Register
Registrant change
Instructions on a registrant change for .UK through our portal
Transfer out
Instructions on how to transfer out .UK domains to another registrar
Registrant verification
Instructions on verifiying registrant details for the .UK ccTLD
Add properties
Instructions on adding contact properties for the .UK ccTLD to a contact

TLD metadata .UK (United Kingdom)



In case you already have an existing registrant contact with contact properties added to it for .UK domains to use for the create, you can skip to step 3.

Create a contact with the registrant contact data in it. For instructions on how to create a contact, go to the Create a new contact knowledgebase article.

Add contact properties for .UK (Nominet) to the Registrant contact. For instructions on adding contact properties for .UK to a contact, go to the Add properties section of this knowledge base article.

Request the create through our portal. For instructions on the create process, go to the Create domain(s) knowledge base article.
Once requested, the create will complete real-time.


Once the create has been completed and the used registrant contact has not yet completed contact validation for the Nominet registry, the domain will receive a pending validation status. Have the registrant accept the contact validation email that is sent to the registrant emailaddress to get the domain on an OK status.

For more information on completing the registrant validation procedure for .UK domains, go to the Check cancel or resend a contact update/validation process knowledge base article.

Transfer in


In case you already have an existing registrant contact with contact properties added to it for .UK domains to use for the create, you can skip to step 3.

Create a contact with the registrant contact data in it. For instructions on how to create a contact, go to the Create a new contact knowledgebase article.

Add contact properties for .UK (Nominet) to the Registrant contact. For instructions on adding contact properties for .UK to a contact, go to the Add properties section of this knowledge base article.


Request the transfer through our portal. For instructions on the transfer process, go to the Transfer domain(s) knowledge base article.


Once the transfer is requested, the registrant receives an email with instructions to provide our TAG (YOURSRS-NL) to the new registrar and have them push the domain to our accreditation.

Once the push is requested with the losing registrar and the correct tag is provided, the transfer will be completed.


Once the transfer has been completed and the used registrant contact has not yet completed contact validation for the Nominet registry, the domain will receive a pending validation status. Have the registrant accept the contact validation email that is sent to the registrant emailaddress to get the domain on an OK status.

For more information on completing the registrant validation procedure for .UK domains, go to the Check cancel or resend a contact update/validation process knowledge base article.

Registrant change


In case you already have an existing registrant contact with contact properties added to it for .UK domains to use for the create, you can skip to step 3.

Create a contact with the registrant contact data in it. For instructions on how to create a contact, go to the Create a new contact knowledgebase article.

 Add contact properties for .UK (Nominet) to the Registrant contact. For instructions on adding contact properties for .UK to a contact, go to the Add properties section of this knowledge base article.


Open the domain detail page of the domain you wish to request a regsitrant change for and request the update to the new registrant contact. For instructions on how to start the domain update process, go the Update domain(s) knowledge base article.


Once requested, the current and old domain holder will receive an email to complete the registrant change on the respective old and new registrant email address. Once both the current and new holder have accepted the registrant change through email, the registrant change will be completed. In case either the current or new holder has not received the email to accept the registrant change, you can resend the email through our portal. For instructions on resending the registrant change confirmation email, go to the cancel or resend domain updates knowledge base article.


Once the registrant change has been completed and the used registrant contact has not yet completed contact validation for the Nominet registry, the domain will receive a pending validation status. Have the registrant accept the contact validation email that is sent to the registrant emailaddress to get the domain on an OK status.

For more information on completing the registrant validation procedure for .UK domains, go to the Check cancel or resend a contact update/validation process knowledge base article.

Transfer out

To transfer out a .UK domain, you use a push transfer command through our portal. To initiate a push transfer, follow the instruction below.


In many cases the transfer needs to be requested with the gaining registrar first, otherwise the handshake might fail. Contact the gaining registrar regarding their incoming transfer procedure for UK domains prior to pushing the domain following the instruction below to prevent pushes to fail.

To push the domain to another registrar through our portal, login to the portal, go to the domain overview and lookup the domain you want to retrieve the authcode for. Once you reach the domain overview page, click the 'Transfer' button to start the push transfer procedure


Provide the recipient registrar tag belonigng in the input field and click Push transfer to inititate the push transfer


You've now successfully pushed the domain to another registar account. Depending on if the EPP handshake with the new registrar fails or completes, the transfer will be completed or

Registrant verification

Once a .UK create has been completed, the registry checks the registrant data against public sources for incorrect registrant data. In case the registry is not able to verify the registrant data against a public data source, registrant verifcation is kicked off through our support department and an email like the below is received.

Our support staff will contact you through email and will ask you to provide documents that verifiy the registrant contact data. For companies a company registration certificate confirming the company name and address data is sufficient. For natural persons, a copy of the Identity card belonging to the registrant has to be provided to confirm identity and a recent utility bill to confirm the address data.
Provide the required documents to our support staff through email. In case an update of the registrant contact data is necessary, our support staff will provide instructions to do so. Once the documents have been approved, the registrant contact data is verified by our support staff.


In case the registrant does not provide documents to verify registrant identity, the domains belonging to the registrant will be suspended according to registry policy after 30 days time.

Add Contact properties

To add contact properties for .UK (Nominet) to a contact, go to the Contact properties knowledge base article and follow the instructions up until step #2. Once you've selected the .UK contact properties option, the below options will show up on screen;


Contact properties for .UK are optional and not a requirement to create/transfer/update domains .UK domains. We do however recommend to add the properties as this will minimize the chance of domains to be registered to fall subject to registrant validation processes.

Submit the data as requested by the form and click save properties when you're done.

Type In this field, the reigstrant type is defined.

Co-operation number (co-no) Here, the co-orperation number has to be submitted (organisations only).

Opt-out In this field, the Opt-out for WHOIS exposure is defined. if set to true you will opt-out.

Trade name In this field, the trade name has to be submitted (organisations only).

You've now successfully added additional properties for .UK (Nominet) domains to a contact.

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