Enable DNSSEC for managed Premium DNS-zones

DNSSEC management for managed Premium DNS-zones provides a fully automated DNSSEC signing process. To enable DNSSEC signing for Premium DNS-zones in Your Realtime Register account, follow the instruction below.

Login to the portal and go to Domains

Lookup the domain in your Realtime Register account that has an active Premium DNS-zone connected to it and you wish to enable DNSSEC for, open it and click update
Select DNSSEC automatic signing Yes and click confirm to update the domain and autosign DNSSEC through the domain update

A message indicating the update was successful will be displayed


The signing process takes some time, information that the signing process is taking place is given on the DNS-tile through the info icon

That's it, you've now enabled DNSSEC signing for a managed Premium DNS-zone in your Realtime Register account through a domain update in our portal

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