Bulk delete contacts
Login to the portal and go to Account > Bulk jobs > Bulk delete contacts
You'll be directed to the start page of the contact bulk delete tool.
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- Name the contact bulk delete job, submit the list of contacts you wish to delete and click next to go to the contact bulk delete job creation overview page. On the contact bulk delete job creation overview page, click create job to create the contact bulk delete job
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- You can either make a selection of tasks to execute or run all tasks at once
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Once the tasks have completed/failed, they will be detailed on the job detail overview. By clicking on the completed/failed tiles, you'll be able to check the detail overview of the tasks that have completed/failed
Contacts that are still in use for domains cannot be deleted. In case you run into the "Contact is in use, cannot be deleted" error make sure any domains connected to the contact that produces this error are updated to other contacts. Once that's done, you can retry the failed task(s) and delete the contacts. In order to check for which domains a contact is in use, navigate to the contact list in our portal, lookup the contact that produced the "Contact is in use, cannot be deleted" error, open the contact detail page for that contact, and click on any of the options in the bottom right of the contact detail page to check to which domains a contact is still connected.
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You've now successfully completed a contact bulk delete job in our portal. In case you run into any errors you're not able to resolve yourself, be sure to contact our support department, provide the contact(s) you're having issues with and we'll provide assistance to complete any deletes that have failed