Bulk contact import
Login to the portal and go to Account > Bulk jobs > Contact import
You'll be directed to the start page of the Contact import tool.
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- Download the CSV example file, the template file will be used to create contacts in your Realtime Register account through our portal.
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- Once the download is completed, open the template file. Once opened, you'll notice example.com is pre-filled in the CSV file to serve as an example on how to submit the required data for a Contact import. By default, the handle, name, addressLine, postalCode, city, country, email & voice fields are required to create a contact using the Contact import bulk tool
Take note that the name field is meant for the name of a natural person, if you wish to import contacts that are for organisations, you submit the name of the CEO for example in the name field and the name of the organization in the organization field
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- We'll go over the available fields in the CSV template and what information in what format needs to be submitted where one by one. Keep in mind that not all fields require input.
Multiple values
In order to use multiple values in your contact import if necessary, you can either user multiple fields in the CSV or separate values using a field separator.
Multiple fields
To use, add a number to the column name and increment for multiple values. For example, you can have columns addressLine1, addressLine2 etc.
Field seperator
Use one of the following field separators to indicate multiple values in a field: | , \n
Submit the contact handle name here. Keep in mind that handle names cannot contain
Submit the name of the natural person here. Rember it's best practice to use full names, no abbreviations like 'R.T. Register' are allowed for some registries in the name field
Submit the (street)address(es) here
Submit the postalcode here
Submit the city name here
Submit the ISO 3166 country code the person/company resides in here
Submit the contact's emailaddress here, keep in mind this should be a working emailaddress
Submit the contact's telephone number here in E164a format, for example in case you submit a Dutch phone number you add; +31.123456789
Submit the brand for the contact here. In case this field is left empty, your default brand will be connected to the created contact
Submit the organization name here if applicable
Submit the state here. For some registries (nicIT for .IT domains for example) the state field is required in the registrant contact to be able to create/transfer in domains
Submit the fax number here in E164a format if applicable. for example in case you submit a Dutch fax number you add; +31.123456789
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- Once you've submitted all the values you wish to define, your template file should look similar like the example below;
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- Upload the CSV template in the bulk Contact import tool and click next
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- On the bulk Contact import overview page, you can map the data that was provided in the CSV before creating the bulk Contact import job. Map the Contact import data as required and click Create job to create the bulk Contact import job
In case you have defined multiple values for fields in your CSV, you need to map the multiple values according to the used method in your CSV, otherwise the Contact import tool will not recognize the values. Below you'll find an example on how to map multiple fields (addressLine1, addressLine2 etc.) and how to map a field separator ( | , \n )
Using multiple fields
When using multiple fields, you need to map the multiple fields in order for the Contact import tool to recognize the multiple fields in the CSV you've uploaded. In the example below, two address fields were provided in the CSV file and mapped to be recognized as addressLine1 and addressLine2.
Using a field separator
Select the fields separator used in your CSV. In the example below, a pipe was used to separate the addressLine values in the addressLine field of the CSV and mapped to Street 1 and Street 2.
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- On the job detail page, an overview of all the jobs is available and changes can still be made. In case all the data is mapped correctly, you can run all tasks. In case you wish to run a few separate tasks prior to running all tasks, you can make a selection of tasks you wish to run and run them first instead of running all tasks in one go in your first attempt. An option to delete tasks is available as well
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- Once the tasks have completed/failed, they will be detailed on the job detail overview. By clicking on the completed/failed tiles, you'll be able to check the detail overview of the tasks that have completed/failed
In case you run into any failed tasks, just click the failed task tile and you can edit any failed contact imports to correct the errors (error information is displayed on screen) and retry the failed tasks.
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- You've now successfully ran a bulk Contact import in our portal. In case you run into any errors you're not able to resolve yourself, be sure to contact our support department, provide the job name and tasks you're having issues with and we'll provide assistance to complete Contact imports that have failed