Notification schedules

Login to the Domain Manager and go to Account details > Notification schedules

A notification schedule is a schedule that will inform you when a domain or SSL certificate is about to expire. In other words, this will trigger vital information regarding domains and SSL-certificates that are about to expire in your account, so it's important business to set them up according to your preferences.

  • The Domain Expiry Reports provide details on when domains will expire and what the expected renewal costs will be. It also contains a prediction of the expected account balance once the renewals have completed if available.
  • The SSL-certificate Expiry Reports only provide details on when SSL-certificates will expire.
Basics for notification schedules
Create a notification schedule
Update a notification schedule
Delete a notification schedule

Basics for understanding notification schedules

By default for both the notification schedules for the domain and SSL expiry reports three schedules are set up in your account by default. a daily, weekly and monthly report is sent by default. You can add, remove or update the notification schedules to your preferences.

There are four columns detailed in the table detailed in the image above. We'll go over them one by one.

  • Event type: Here the event type is listed, either DomainExpiryReportEvents or SSLExpireEvents can be displayed here. As the name suggests, this field displays the type of event that a notification schedule is setup for.
  • Schedule: Here, the schedule on which you will receive the notification is detailed. Daily provides a daily report, Weekly provides a weekly report & Monthly provides a monthly report.
  • Period start offset: Here the period start offset is displayed. The period start offset determines with how many days offset a report is created. If you submit '0' here for example, the daily, weekly or monthly report you'll receive will provide information on domains that are scheduled for renewal the same day the report is created. If you submit '2' here for example, the daily, weekly or monthly report you'll receive will provide information on domains that are scheduled for renewal with an offset of 2 days ahead compared to the day you receive the report.

Example: You setup a period start offset of 2. When you receive a report on the 1st of January , the report will provide information on domains scheduled for renewal from January the 3rd.

  • Period end offset: Here the period end offset is displayed. The period end offset determines over which period you will receive information for domains that are scheduled for renewal in your account calculated from the day on which the report is received. If you submit '9' here for example, the report you'll receive will provide information on domains scheduled for renewal 9 days ahead calculated from the day on which you receive the report.

Example: You setup a period start offset of 2 and a period end offset of 9. When you receive a report on January 1st, the report will provide information on domains scheduled for renewal from January the 3rd until January the 10th.

Add a new notification schedule

  • Click on New notification schedule to add a schedule.
  • Choose the type of event, the schedule in which you wish to receive the notification and define both the period start and end offset. Once you have done so, click the Create and go back to detail page.

  • You've now successfully created a new notification schedule.

Changing the existing notification schedules

  • The behavior of the notification schedules can be changed by clicking on the notification schedule you wish to update.
  • Click the update button on the right side

  • Change the settings to match your preferences and hit the Update notification schedule button.

  • You've now successfully updated a notification schedule.

Delete notification schedule

  • To delete a notification schedule, open the menu of the notification schedule you wish to delete and click 'delete'
  • Confirm the delete of the notification schedule by clicking the Delete button and you're done.
  • You've now successfully deleted a notification schedule.
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