Login to the portal and go to Hosts

This page shows an overview of the hosts created in your account. Hosts are named servers that function as a nameserver for itself and/or for other domains. Typically a nameserver name looks like, Instructions on searching for a host can be found below as well as a table overview with links that provide instructions on the specific actions that can be performed on hosts in our portal.
Lookup hosts
Specify a Hostname or part of a Hostname in the search field, or filter for the specific Hostname you're looking for using the default field filter, in the example below we'll use the search field option

Click on the host you need to see the host detail page for to open the host detail page

On the host detail page, various actions for the host can be requested. For more information on the various host actions that can be requested form the host detail page, read on below in the Host actions section of this knowledge base article
Host actions
The host action menu on the right side of the host detail page provides options to update, review history of all changes made, delete or review for which domains a host is in use. For a detailed instruction on each action, simply click the link in the table overview to go to the relevant KB-article with step by step instructions.

Allows you to update an existing host |
Host History
Provides a complete overview on the host history |
Provides the option to delete a host |
In use
Provides overview of domains that are currently using the host |